We contribute to the policy making process by providing evidence and lending our expertise to policy makers
Policy activities and roles
Federal Expert Council for Health & Care (since 2023)
Government Commission for Modern and Needs-Based Hospital Care
Scientific advisory board for development of the morbidity-oriented risk structure compensation
Scientific advisory boards of Wido (Scientific Insititute of the AOK), Barmer, Techniker Krankenkasse and the Institute for Quality Assurance and Transparency in Health Care
German “Behavioural Science Connect” network (lead: Prof. Cornelia Betsch, University Erfurt & Prof. Julika Loss, RKI) (since 2023)
“Runder Tisch Corona“, Bayrische Staatskanzlei (other members: e.g., Prof. Ulrike Protzer & Prof. Clemens Fuest), 2020-2021
Invited expert and panellist at German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) conference: “COVID-19 überwinden - gemeinsam Perspektiven für starke Familien entwickeln“, 24.11.2020
Steering Committee Member of the German Alliance for Global Health Research
Appointed expert member of the working group ‘Strategies for Prevention and Care of Obesity’ of the Leopoldina (German National Academy of Science).
Invited expert member of the working group ‘Public Health’ of the Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority
Appointet member of the German Data Forum (RatSWD)
Member of the Wissenschafts- und Innovationsbeirat for the modernisation of registers at the federal ministery of the interior
Scientific advisory board for development of the morbidity-oriented risk structure compensation
Selected policy reports*
*More policy reports will be added in the future.