We contribute to the policy making process by providing evidence and lending our expertise to policy makers

Policy activities and roles

Leonie Sundmacher

  • Federal Expert Council for Health & Care (since 2023)

  • Government Commission for Modern and Needs-Based Hospital Care

  • Scientific advisory board for development of the morbidity-oriented risk structure compensation

  • Scientific advisory boards of Wido (Scientific Insititute of the AOK), Barmer, Techniker Krankenkasse and the Institute for Quality Assurance and Transparency in Health Care

Janina Steinert

  • German “Behavioural Science Connect” network (lead: Prof. Cornelia Betsch, University Erfurt & Prof. Julika Loss, RKI) (since 2023)

  • “Runder Tisch Corona“, Bayrische Staatskanzlei (other members: e.g., Prof. Ulrike Protzer & Prof. Clemens Fuest), 2020-2021

  • Invited expert and panellist at German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) conference: “COVID-19 überwinden - gemeinsam Perspektiven für starke Familien entwickeln“, 24.11.2020

Nikkil Sudharsanan

  • Steering Committee Member of the German Alliance for Global Health Research

Michael Laxy

  • Appointed expert member of the working group ‘Strategies for Prevention and Care of Obesity’ of the Leopoldina (German National Academy of Science).

  • Invited expert member of the working group ‘Public Health’ of the Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority

Joachim Winter

  • Appointet member of the German Data Forum (RatSWD)

  • Member of the Wissenschafts- und Innovationsbeirat for the modernisation of registers at the federal ministery of the interior

Robert Nuscheler

  • Scientific advisory board for development of the morbidity-oriented risk structure compensation

Selected policy reports*

*More policy reports will be added in the future.